由Robert Del Valle導演執導的《律政狂鯊 第一季》,自2006年上映以來獲得不錯的口碑,是由詹姆斯·伍茲,丹妮爾·帕娜貝克等主演的一部不錯的英語歐美劇。
歐美劇《律政狂鯊 第一季》在美國發行,光棍影院收集了《律政狂鯊 第一季》pc網頁端在線觀看、手機mp4免費觀看、高清云播放等資源,如果你有更好更快的資源請聯系光棍影院【點擊留言反饋】。
史塞巴是一個行內赫赫有名的資深辯護律師。一次事業上的打擊使他頓悟,并斷然辭去舊工作。機緣巧合下,他接到了羅省市長辦公室的邀請,希望他接受一份工作,領導并組建羅省地檢署重大案件專案組。他的團隊,是一幫全無實戰經驗的新人。史塞巴唯有將自己的家作為培訓基地,模擬最苛刻而難以預料的庭審現場,將多年庭上戰術經驗傾囊相授。這個專案組的目的只有一個,勢要將只手遮天,人脈深廣的罪犯繩之于法! Sebastian Stark just quit his old job of defense attorney after a shocking outcome in one of his cases and a personal epiphany, now looking for a job he receive a call from the LA city mayor office. When meeting the city mayor, he has an offer for a new job, director of the Los Angeles DA's high-profile crime unit, but with a twist, he would have to train a new team of inexperienced lawyers by using years of experiences, tactics and by practicing in Stark tribunal in his home. The only goal of this team is to put the bad guys in jail but during all this Stark past will be a problem we will learn why.光棍影院(m.wfryxjy.com)為您提供《律政狂鯊 第一季》相關演員、導演、劇情簡介、在線播放地址等信息,為您觀看律政狂鯊 第一季提供最有價值的影音參考!